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Aion Classic

Aion Classic is a return to the original 2009 launch version of Aion, which additional quality of life improvements by NCSoft. AIon Classic puts players in the role of Daeva – ascended beings imbued with the ability to control Aether, the source of power in Atreia. Players can take on one of the original four player classes, and explore the land, defeat the monsters of the realm, or partake in faction PvP combat.

Aion Classic brings back the original four core classes of Warrior, Scout, Mage, and Priest with all of the balance and progression of the original launch, as well as each class’s two ascensions. It features slower progression, dungeons from days gone, and a return to hunting zones of the past.


  • Subscription-based Model: As in days of yore, Aion Classic will be subscription based. Players can purchase Siel’s Aura, which unlocks full experience gain, and the ability to acquire useful in-game currency and items. 
  • Four Player Classes: In Aion Classic, only the original four player classes are available to players – Warrior, Scout, Priest, and Mage. Each class has two unique ascensions. 
  • Level 50 Player Cap: Aion Classic features slower progression, dungeons from days gone, and a return to hunting zones of the past. Take to the skies with wings to explore the massive world of Atreia. 
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