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CROSSFIRE is a fast-paced Online First-Person Shooter (FPS) Game with a high-powered sense of realism in Movement, Weapon, Character and Environment Design that based on Real-Life Simulation. Providing players of different preferences a variety of weapon selection and character customization and wide range of maps with diversified game modes such as “Ghost Mode”, “Mutant Mode” and “AI Mode”.

Crossfire features weapons based on real life models, with each weapon belonging to a category. Categories include machine guns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, etc. Each category is functionally similar to their real world counterparts (Ex. Machine guns are heavy, powerful, lay down heavy fire and have long reload times, Submachine guns are lighter and fire faster but deal less damage, Shotguns are effective in close range but ineffective at long distance, etc.) Weapons often have many variations, including different skins which give them different attributes. In addition, the re-skinned versions are often more rare. There are also some weapons which are different from other weapons like the VIP weapons, which has more powerful functions like faster reload, among others. Certain modes have mode-exclusive weapons.

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World of Tanks

World of Tanks is the first MMO of its kind, a team-based game of armored warfare with tanks of the World War Two era. Developed by one of the original sites for wargamers,, WoT gives players the choice of over 150 tanks to fight with, and allows them to be upgraded according to role and play
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Pirates of the Burning Sea

Pirates of the Burning Sea is an MMORPG from Portalus Games in which players captain their own ship as a pirate, adventurer (a sort of privateer/merchant hybrid) or naval officer, with avatars being highly customizable. The game focuses on real time PvE and PvP combat, with players controlling their ships’ heading, speed, special abilities and attacks. In addition
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Star Wars: The Old Republic: Legacy of the Sith

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Legacy of the Sith is the eighth Digital Expansion to the BioWare MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic. The expansion was released on February 15, 2022. The expansion’s storyline takes place on the planet of Manaan, and will send players headfirst into a new military campaign with the mission of securing a very important planet for their faction. The
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