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Tag: Guild Wars

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Guild Wars

Guild Wars: Prophecies, the first game developed by ArenaNet, is the original game in the Guild Wars series. Released in 2005, the game is an instanced MMOG and is free to play without any restrictions with the purchase of the retail box. Since the original release, ArenaNet has release two stand alone ‘campaigns’ and one expansion: Factions (2006), Nightfall (2006) and Eye of

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Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons

It’s been almost two weeks since End of Dragons launched, and after seeing how things have played out on the live servers, this is still the best expansion ArenaNet has done to date. ArenaNet delivered a good story with plenty of excellent character moments. The addition of incredible new zones to explore and make our way

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Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 is the sequel to ArenaNet’s flagship title, Guild Wars.  GW2 aims to fix a lot of what’s “wrong” in the MMO world. With reworked combat mechanics, a focus on Dynamic Events, voiced quest dialog, several new professions, fan-favorite races, and the massive open world of Tyria, Guild Wars 2 is far more epic in scope than the

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