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APB Reloaded is an action MMOG title re-developed by Reloaded Productions and GamersFirst. APB is set in the modern day and features cops-and-robbers style gameplay. Players create their own avatar using an extremely robust character creation system being developed for the game, as well as choose from two different factions, the Enforcers or the Criminals. The city or cities in which the game takes place are contested 24 hours a day as players shoot it out to vie for control of the area. Players may also take advantage of a robust set of customization tools, to configure their avatar, clothing, crests, and even cars to their liking.


  • Unparalleled Character Creation | Your character, clothes, vehicles, and even your music may be customized to fit your playstyle.
  • Non-stop PvP Action | Become an Enforcer or Criminal and fight for your dominance.
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Warcraft III

Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne is a 3D fantasy-themed, strategy MMORPG that serves as an expansion pack for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. Its story depicts the events after the Reign of Chaos’ conclusion. This expansion has new units, buildings, and heroes for each faction. It also has new tweaks on the gameplay including new
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Released by Trion Worlds in early 2011, Rift takes place in the world of Telara where players take on the personality of an “Ascended.” Two competing factions of Ascended, the Guardians and the Defiant, battle through the monsters of Telara in an effort to bring down Regulos, a dragon god bent on the complete destruction of Telara. Rifts, or
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Albion Online

Albion Online developed by Sandbox Interactive is a buy to play medieval MMO. It’s a classless cross platform MMORPG that allows for endless possibilities. Across 800 different territories guilds can engage in PvP for control of the world. FEATURES Cross Platform | Everyone can play together whether they’re on an iPad, Android tablet, on Windows, Mac, or even Linux.
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