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Bloodline Champions is a fighting MMOG built around team competition. Players choose a character from 24 different ‘bloodlines’, each with their own abilities and specialties. What sets BC apart from other MMOGs is that gameplay is primarily based on the skill of the player, and not a sum of arbitrary computer math, giving the game an exciting tactical feel.


  • Three Game Modes | Arena, Capture the Artifact, and Conquest
  • Skill based gameplay | No random damage, no targeting elements
  • PVP | Arena-styled team matches
  • Four Bloodline archetypes | Melee attack, ranged attack, healer, and tank
  • Class variety | A total of 24 bloodlines to play
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Vindictus is a free-to-play action-MMORPG developed by devCAT and published by Nexon. The game originally hails from Korea where it is known as Mabinogi: Heroes, and serves as a prequel to the popular Nexon MMORPG, Mabinogi. Vindictus is developed on Valve‘s Source engine and features fast-paced combat, cloth physics, and the ability to weaponize objects in the environment. FEATURES The Story | The land is
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Apex Legends Mobile

Conquer with character in Apex Legends, a free-to-play battle royale game where legendary challengers fight for glory, fame, and fortune on the fringes of the Frontier. Choose from a roster of unique characters and experience the next evolution of battle royale. The Next Evolution of Battle Royale | Master your Legend’s abilities, make strategic calls on the
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Shatterline Shatterline is a free-to-play arena FPS with a roguelike co-op mode (Expedition) as well as several traditional PvP modes such as TDM, Conquest, Plant-the-Bomb, and Escort. Players can choose from 8 unique Operatives and an armory of 25 weapons that can be customized via attachments.
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