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Dragon Saga is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG where players are set in a world on the brink of another terrible war with the Dark Dragon Elga, who was defeated in the first Dragon War 1,000 years ago. Players must go about on quests and adventures in order to keep the peace, with help of the Dragonkin race.


  • Classes | Warrior, Shaman, Magician, Twin Fighter, Archer, Thief.
  • Enchanting | Enchant weapons and armor to increase their powers.
  • Soulcrafting | Imbue items with Soul Force to increase their strength and value through Regular, Advanced, Special, Artifact, and Legendary grades.
  • Pet Types | Six known pet types: Husky, Felix, Griffon, Maple, Greenie, Pinecone.
  • Mission Maps | Special areas that appear in the world that offer special monster battles for rewards.
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NoxPlayer Nox Limited is a team of like-minded geeks based in Hong Kong and developing the best App player software loved by mobile Apps and game users around the world. We have over 150 million users in more than 150 countries and 20 different languages. Nox is committed to provide the best digital solution for
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CABAL Online

CABAL Online is a free-to-play 3D third-person MMORPG set on the continent of Nevareth, a thousand years after the Apocalypse that destroyed the land and the CABAL. Players must now face the new waves of evil invading Nevareth in an attempt to stop the land from being destroyed again. FEATURES Classes | The “Authentic Six”: Warrior, Blader,
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Scions of Fate

Scions of Fate, a 3D fantasy MMORPG from NetGame and MGame USA, is the US title of the Korean game Yulgang. Set at a time when the two warring factions of Order and Chaos are struggling against one another, Scions of Fate offers traditional PvE content with quests, leveling, and monster hunting. The standout feature in combat is a
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