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Dungeon Fighter Online is a free-to-play 2D side-scrolling fighting MMOG, where players must hack-and-slash their way along a linear path through hordes of monsters. Players begin in town, but may venture into dungeons to take on champion monsters and boss monster. Controls are simple, yet effective, with eight directions of movement, assigned attack, jump, and use skill buttons, Characters advance by collecting and spending Skill, Style, and Technique points.


  • Classes | Male Fighter, Thief, Female Gunner, Slayer, Female Fighter, Male Gunner, Mage, Priest.
  • Professions | Alchemy, Disassembly, Animation, and Enchanting.
  • Dungeon Difficulty Levels | Normal Road, Expert’s Road, Master’s Road, and King’s Road.
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The Lord of the Rings Online: Fate of Gundabad

Lord of the Rings Online is the premier MMORPG set in J.R.R. Tolkien’s wondrous world of Middle-earth, brought to life through those most famous of books, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, and wonderfully portrayed in Peter Jackson’s movies. LOTRO brings you into the timeline of the events of The Lord of the Rings story, and sets
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Champions Online

Champions Online is a free-to-play superhero MMORPG from the people who made City of Heroes. The game makes use of a cell shaded art style that brings the look of a comic book to life. Based on an old pen and paper IP, Champions, the game is set in an Earth where generations of superheroes have
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Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 is the next iteration of Overwatch. Overview Plot Overwatch 2 will have an ongoing plot, focused on a second omnic uprising. It will explore who is behind it. The plot takes place over the whole world. Gameplay Overwatch 2 will feature both new PvE and PvP modes. An example of the former is Story Experience. An example of the latter is Push.
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