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Final Fantasy XI

Final Fantasy XI Online is the grand MMORPG set in the famous Final Fantasy series and style. Players enter the world of Vana’diel, a land with a healthy mix of magic, swords, and technology, and where the inhabitants are on a constant search and struggle for control of the crystals, the fundamental source of all creation. Players create characters from a list of five races and fifteen ‘jobs’ to take on challenges throughout Vana’diel’s four vast continents.


  • Races | Hume, Elvaan, Tarutaru, Mithra, Galka.
  • Jobs | Warrior, Thief, Monk, White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Paladin, Dark Knight, Beastmaster, Ranger, Bard, Summoner, Samurai, Ninja, Dragoon, Blue Mage, Corsair, Puppetmaster, Dancer, Scholar.
  • Battle System | Players may choose magic, including learning magic from enemies while in battle, and weapon skills, both which help build up Tactical Points that enable very powerful combat skills.
  • Transportation | FFIX has the same welcome transportation modes as the single-player series has, including airships, ferries, and, of course, chocobos.
  • Crystal Synthesis | Collect the precious crystals and use them to create powerful items not found through NPC vendors.
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Albion Online

Albion Online developed by Sandbox Interactive is a buy to play medieval MMO. It’s a classless cross platform MMORPG that allows for endless possibilities. Across 800 different territories guilds can engage in PvP for control of the world. FEATURES Cross Platform | Everyone can play together whether they’re on an iPad, Android tablet, on Windows, Mac, or even Linux.
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Granado Espada

Granado Espada Online, originally known as Sword 2: Revelations, is a free to play, item shop supported fantasy MMORPG from IMC Games, Redbana, and HanbitSoft. There are the usual assortment of storyline quests and regular quests, but the game distinguishes itself in several key ways. The game’s look was inspired by Baroque period European artwork, and the combat system
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Century: Age of Ashes

Century: Age of Ashes is a 2021 free-to-play aerial combat video game developed and published by Playwing Bordeaux released on December 2, 2021 for Microsoft Windows and is planned to be released for Xbox Series X/S on March 10, 2022, and for Playstation 4, Playstation 5 and Xbox One in 2022. Gameplay Set in a dark fantasy world, Century: Age of Ashes is a third person multiplayer arena battle video game in which the player can
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