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How to use Hastega VPN mode with Split Tunneling for Gaming

For a traditional VPN, when you connect successfully, all your internet connections will automatically go through the VPN gateway, which is very annoying if you use a VPN to play games. Split Tunneling for Gaming is a special technology developed by Hastega to enhance the experience when connecting to a VPN. When this feature is enabled, internet connections will still use the VPN gateway (the purpose is to always ensure game and app compatibility), but Hastega will create a private tunnel, allowing you to specify any which application, it will still use your internet directly.

This is extremely useful, it will help you to play the game smoother without being affected by other applications taking up bandwidth when using VPN in your computer, such as a browser, streaming application, downloader,…

Right click on the server you want to use and add it to the control panel, before activating, check the Tunneling for Gaming checkbox.

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