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JX Online 3 is a 3D martial-arts themed MMORPG that features ancient Chinese swordsman legends. The game offers a huge quest system, which has more than 6000 quests awaiting you to complete. It also mixes some elements of Traditional Chinese Culture to the game like poem, dance, silk, drinking culture, tea, and music to allow players to feel the glorious and magnificent Tang Dynasty.
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Final Fantasy XIV

Final Fantasy XIV is Square Enix’s latest online installment in the legendary Final Fantasy series. Players enter the land of Hydaelyn to adventure in the regions of Eorzea. The PC game was originally released in September of 2010, but was brought back into development for a full overhaul and relaunched alongside the PS3 version in 2013. Since it’s relaunch, dubbed
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Humankind is a 4X strategy and civilization-building game from Amplitude Studios, the developers behind Dungeon of the Endless, Endless Space, and Endless Dungeon. Create your own civilization by combining 60 historical cultures from the Ancient to the Modern Age. Each culture brings its special gameplay layer, leading to near-endless outcomes. Every great deed you accomplish, every moral choice you
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Ultima Online

Ultima Online is one of the defining games of the MMORPG genre. From designer Richard Garriott‘s vision for a multiplayer RPG world, it has been influential on many of the most successful and popular titles that came after it. Set in Medieval Brittania, the game is a 2D fantasy RPG that follows the single-player Ultima series. UO
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