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Lineage II

Lineage II is a fantasy MMORPG developed and published by NCSoft. A prequel to the original Lineage, Lineage II sets players in a land at war between three kingdoms, creating a strong emphasis on PvP. The game features massive server-wide PvP siege battles, raid bosses, an advanced combat system with real-time tactical decisions, clans with Clan Halls, and pets and mounts.

Lineage II has had several content patches, including The Chaotic ChronicleThe Chaotic Throne, and Goddess of Destruction. With Goddess of Destruction, the game adopted a free-to-play model with an item shop.


  • Choose Your Race | Choose from the Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Orc, Dwarf, and Kamael races.
  • Pick Your Class | The Human, Elf, Dark Elf, and Orc races can play as either Fighters or Mystics, while the Dwarf race can play as a Fighter, and the Kamael class can play as either a male or female Soldier.
  • Earn a Subclass | Humans can further specialize into the Dark Avenger, Paladin, Treasure Hunter, Hawkeye, Warlock, Sorcerer/Sorceress, Necromancer, Warlord, Gladiator, Bishop, and Prophet subclasses. Elves can become Temple Knights, Sword Singers, Plains Walkers, Silver Rangers, Elemental Summoners, Spellsingers, and Elven Elders. Dark Elves can specialize into the Shillien Knight, Blade Dancer, Abyss Walker, Phantom Ranger, Phantom Summoner, Spell Howler, and Shillien Elder subclasses. Orcs can become Destroyers, Tyrants, Overlords, and Warcryers. Dwarves can be Warsmiths and Bounty Hunters. Kamael can specialize into the Berserker, Soul Breaker, Arbalester, and Inspector subclasses.
  • Pets | Players can obtain monster pets through completing quests, and outfit them with weapons and equipment.
  • PvP | Deep PvP with siege warfare and a karma system for PKing.
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