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Pirate101 is a free-to-play, pirate-themed MMOG from KingsIsle Entertainment, makers of Wizard101. The game is set in the same universe as its wizard-themed predecessor, so players can expect to continue to challenge the Clockwork Empire. Players begin the game by creating a pirate and then setting out to gain a ship and crew. Pirate101 offers swashbuckling ground combat, but its main fighting focus is comprised of ship-to-ship combat high in the sky among the skyways and floating islands in the Weave.


  • Become a Pirate | Create your own pirate and choose from the five classes of Buccaneer, Musketeer, Privateer, Swashbuckler, and Witchdoctor.
  • Captain Your Ship | Obtain and customize your very own pirate ship and engage in sky battles with your enemies.
  • Combat and Quests | Fight your opponents on the ground and pursue various piratey quests.
  • Companions, Pets, and Mounts | Earn unique companions, pets, and mounts to adventure alongside you in Pirate101.
  • Minigames | Play a variety of pirate-themed minigames, like Coin Drop, Powder Keg, Rogue’s Range, and much more.
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Star Wars: The Old Republic

Star Wars: The Old Republic is a premier MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts set in the Star Wars universe. Set a thousand years before the tale told in the movies, players choose to join the Galactic Republic or the Sith Empire as a time of tenuous peace seems about to vanish. Take on the role of many distinguished Star Wars classes, such
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Guild Wars 2

Guild Wars 2 is the sequel to ArenaNet’s flagship title, Guild Wars.  GW2 aims to fix a lot of what’s “wrong” in the MMO world. With reworked combat mechanics, a focus on Dynamic Events, voiced quest dialog, several new professions, fan-favorite races, and the massive open world of Tyria, Guild Wars 2 is far more epic in scope than the
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Runes of Magic

Runes of Magic is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG from Runewalker Studios and Gameforge set in the mythical land of Taborea. The game offers traditional questing, leveling, dungeons, guilds, PvP, player housing, and guild castles, with noticeable twists, such as the ability to dual-class. Runes of Magic offers AAA content within a free-to-play model, and has had several content expansions, including The
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