Hastega has 3 types of accounts (subscription):
- Free: When your Hastega account expires, by default it becomes a free account. Free accounts can only use the GPN feature (trial). Every 15 minutes, the GPN connection will automatically disconnect, you can reconnect as many times as you want.
- Premium: This is the most common account type when using Hastega, Premium account can make full use of all VPN and GPN features. For Advanced Custom Rules mode, you can apply up to 10 rules, but can only use 2 different GPN nodes when activated. For general purposes, the Premium account is perfectly fine for you.
- Professional: This is an account type for users with diverse needs. This account type has all the features like Premium, but with Advanced Custom Rules mode you can activate as many rules as you want as long as your computer can handle and can apply up to 5 different GPN nodes. The usage fee of the Professional account is double that of the Premium account.
Type of subscription account, you don’t need to care about the bandwidth used, as long as the expiration date is still available, use it. If you need more advanced, you can buy a little data transfer for backup.
(*) You can use 1 account to log in on any computer you want, but only 1 computer is allowed to log in to the system at the same time.
(*) For new users, when renewing, the default account will be Premium, you can easily upgrade to Professional or downgrade at any time. Hastega uses a Time Code system to extend the account’s expiration date, so the units listed on the website are interpreted as Premium.
Anyone can use Hastega
Can only use GPN (gaming)
Can use VPN Gate servers
Auto disconnect every 15 mins
Well meet your needs
~50 Days
Fully support VPN protocols
Split Tunneling for Gaming
Unlimited VPN connection time
Unlimited number of servers
GPN Smart Automatic
GPN Advanced Custom Rules
Up to 10 rules when activating Advanced Custom Rules
Maximum 2 GPN nodes at the same time (Advanced)
Can be upgraded easily. If you buy code with a larger denomination, the more benefits you will receive, the more days you will receive.
For users with diverse needs
~25 Days
Fully support VPN protocols
Split Tunneling for Gaming
Unlimited VPN connection time
Unlimited number of servers
GPN Smart Automatic
GPN Advanced Custom Rules
Unlimited rules when activating Advanced Custom Rules
Maximum 5 GPN nodes at the same time (Advanced)
Can be downgraded easily. If you buy code with a larger denomination, the more benefits you will receive, the more days you will receive.
Data transfer
Flexible plan for you
~25 GB data
GPN Smart Automatic
GPN Advanced Custom Rules
Unlimited rules when activating Advanced Custom Rules
Unlimited GPN nodes at the same time (Advanced)
Data transfer differs from subscription in that as long as the data in your account is still available, you can use the GPN feature at any time without worry expires as subscription.
Please note that data only applies to GPN feature, so when your account is expired and using VPN feature, it is still a free account.
Please note that data only applies to GPN feature, so when your account is expired and using VPN feature, it is still a free account.