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UNDECEMBER is a Hack & Slash Action RPG in which players are able to surpass the conventional limits of skills by endlessly combining variety of Skill and Link Runes. Become a Rune Hunter and experience the joy of farming and growth!

Birth of the 13th Being, Evil God Serpens Light came from darkness, and that light split into 12 different divine beings. The 12 beings that rose from the void shared their powers to create Traum and lived peacefully amongst their descendants. The descendants prospered under the blessings of the 12 beings who were now worshipped as gods. But one day, an unexpected being, Evil God Serpens came into existence.

The fun of Hack & Slash comes from annihilating countless enemies at once. As a genre where character growth is tied to devastating enemies to obtain new items, the focus was set upon the proposition to “gain strength after wiping out enemies” during development. Stirring away from the typical growth system, players will be able to enjoy completing their own unique builds.

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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous developed by Frontier Developments is a first person spaceship MMORPG. The galaxy is yours to explore with billions of star systems, planets, moons, and more awaiting your exploration. The three superpowers, the Empire, Federation and Independents rule the galaxy, whom you side with is up to you. Regardless of who you side with you’ll be able
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NoxPlayer Nox Limited is a team of like-minded geeks based in Hong Kong and developing the best App player software loved by mobile Apps and game users around the world. We have over 150 million users in more than 150 countries and 20 different languages. Nox is committed to provide the best digital solution for
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Roblox is a family friendly sandbox MMOG designed to appeal mainly to kids 4-14. Players can create their building-block avatar, explore the virtual world and interact socially, construct many different types of buildings as well as create games of their own with the built-in accessible tools. Once approved, these user-generated games are available for multiplayer participation
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