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Valorant is a 5v5 character-based competitive tactical shooter developed by Riot Games.

Shooting in VALORANT is precise, consequential, and highly-lethal – we want you to win on your skill and strategy alone.

Imagine this: tactical shooter meets hypernatural powers. Everyone’s got guns and a unique set of abilities, so how do you beat someone with the speed of wind? Use your own moves to outplay them and beat them to the shot. VALORANT is a game for bold strategists who dare to make the unexpected play, because if it wins, it works.

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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Put your strategy and shooting skills to the test with Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO). This game was developed by Valve Corporation and Hidden Path Entertainment and is the fourth installment to the world famous Counter-Strike series. This objective-based, multiplayer first-person shooter video game is now equipped with new maps, characters, and weapons. It also has
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PlanetSide 2

PlanetSide 2 is a scifi MMOFPS from Sony Online Entertainment that takes all the best features of the original PlanetSide and brings them into the modern gaming age, adding improvements that are expected in the genre. Players join one of three factions (Terran Republic, New Conglomerate, or Vanu Sovereignty) and engage in combat on foot, vehicles, or the skies. Battle
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JX Online 2

JX Online 2 (Justice-X 2) is a Chinese martial-arts themed MMORPG set in Ancient China. Just like other MMORPG’s, players must choose between several sects (also known as clans) which determine which skills they would have. Each sect has multiple specializations available. Players can challenge hostile factions and take part in epic PvP battles. The
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