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Wakfu is an anime-styled MMORPG from Ankama Games set 1,000 years after the era of the game’s predecessor, Dofus, at a time when Ogrest’s Chaos has brought the World of Twelve to ruins. Players create heroes full of hope to cure the world, and hopefully master Wakfu, the primordial energy of the universe. Wakfu is a tactical RPG, with a job system and creatures to fight, and with an emphasis on an open, player-driven world, lending a sandbox feel to the game. The game’s entire economy is player-controlled, and there are skills to raise and semi-random challenges that pop up for players to take on after certain conditions are met.


  • 13 Unique Classes | Sacrier’s Blood, Iop’s Heart, Cra’s Range, Eniripsa’s Hands, Pandawa’s Pint, Enutrof’s Fingers, Sadida’s Shoe, The Rogue Ruse, Feca’s Shield, Sram’s Shadow, Ecaflip’s Coin, Xelor’s Sandglass, Osamodas’ Whip, Masqueraider and Eliatrope.
  • Turn-based Tactical Combat | 30 second turns, positioning and movement bonuses, and death consequences make strategy very important.
  • 14 Professions | Farmers, Herbalists, Lumberjacks, Trappers, Miners, Fishermen, Bakers, Chefs, Weapon Masters, Armorers, Jewelers, Tailors, Leather Dealers, Handymen.
  • Politics | Earn Citizen Points and complete quests to become Guard, Soldier, and even Governor.
  • Ecosystem | Players may control the ecosystem, by controlling the monsters, plants, and weather in each territory.
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Ryzom is a “science-fantasy” MMORPG from Winch Gate set on the planet Atys in the year 2531. Originally developed by Nevrax, Ryzom offers players a living world with rich ecosystems, big multiplayer battles, skill-based advancement, role-playing events, PvP, and more. An expansion called the Ryzom Ring was also released, that allows players to use the game’s design tools to create their
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MapleStory is a free-to-play side-scrolling MMORPG from Wizet and Nexon. Enter a world of magic and mystery where epic adventure, action and good friends await you. Explore the land of Maple World as you create and train a mighty hero, conquer perilous dungeons, overcome terrifying bosses, socialize with your friends and much more. FEATURES A Class
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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Put your strategy and shooting skills to the test with Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO). This game was developed by Valve Corporation and Hidden Path Entertainment and is the fourth installment to the world famous Counter-Strike series. This objective-based, multiplayer first-person shooter video game is now equipped with new maps, characters, and weapons. It also has
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