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War Thunder, previously known as World of Planes, is a free-to-play MMORPG from Gaijin Entertainment based on World War II-era battles. Players can take to the skies in a huge variety of planes or engage in land and sea battles with armored vehicles and fleets. The game features PvE and PvP content, richly detailed military planes, tanks, and ships, and a host of locations and historical battles to fight in.


  • Detail and Variety | Pick from hundreds of planes with richly detailed cockpits, upgradeable weapons, and improvable flying skills, as well as tanks and ships.
  • Several Nations | Choose planes from a number of countries including Australia, Germany, Japan, Italy, and the UK, USA, and USSR.
  • PvE Content | Engage in campaigns, single-player missions, and both solo and co-op gameplay, or utilize the mission editor.
  • Player vs. Player | Battle with other players and participate in full-scale PvP combat missions.
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World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft is one of the premier subscription MMORPGs, and has helped spread the entire genre into mass markets across the globe. Players enter the world of Azeroth, a fantasy realm of swords and sorcery, exotic races, mystical creatures, world turmoil, high adventure, and war. Created by Blizzard Entertainment, and based on the Warcraft series of RTS games
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Wurm Online

Wurm Online is a sandbox MMORPG developed by Rolf Jansson and Markus “Notch” Persson and published by Code Club AB. The game is very player driven, and features an open, skill-based advancement system rather than classes, leveling, or quests. Wurm Online also features crafting, terraforming, mounts, ship and building construction, cooking, PvP, and much more. A version of Wurm Online was
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Rust is a survival game created by Facepunch Studios. Inspired by games like DayZ, Minecraft and Stalker – Rust aims to create a hostile environment in which emergent gameplay can flourish. The aim of the game is to survive. To do this the player should gather resources. Hitting a tree with a rock will give you
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