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Warframe: Angels of the Zariman

Warframe is a free to play cooperative online third-person shooter. The sci-fi themed game sees players take on the role of the Tenno, a recently awakened ancient warrior race against several adversarial factions. Luckily, the Tenno still possess information and knowledge of Warframes, powerful armor suits, each with significant capabilities to help fight back against enemies.

Gameplay involves heading into battle and begins by equipping your Warframe and your chosen weapons. Players must seek out enemies (all NPCs, as the only playable race is the Tenno), kill them, and complete challenges to progress. Those enemy factions consist of the cloned, heavily armored Grinneer, tech-enhanced Corpus, and mutated Infested. Third-person shooter mechanics, agile jumps, and Warframe tech will guide players to victory, secrets, and even mods to loot.

The game has an optional cash shop, but Warframes and other items sold for real money may be obtained through in game methods.


  • Third-person shooter gameplay with heavy emphasis on customizable Warframes and loadouts.
  • Agile gameplay including parkour-style jumps, rolling, sliding, and fast-paced moves.
  • Procedurally generated maps for replayability.
  • Free to play with optional cash shop and ability to earn items in game.
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