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DOFUS is a 2D Flash-based tactical MMORPG developed by Ankama Studios. Billed as a tactical game in an interactive comic book, the game is set in the lands of Amakna, where players set out to find and collect Dofus (dragon eggs), which give their owners incredible powers. Players will take on quests to search for the Dofus through 200 levels of adventuring, all the while learning spells, exploring dungeons, battling opponents, mastering Professions, and much more. DOFUS has a free-to-play trial area with a monthly subscription to access more content.


  • Enormous World to Explore | Two entire continents, seven islands, fifty dungeons, and fifteen cities.
  • Turn-based Strategy Combat | Players have time to consider combat actions against over 2,000 monsters.
  • Classes | Feca’s Shield, Osamoda’s Whip, Enutrof’s Fingers, Sram’s Shadow, Xelor’s Sandglass, Ecaflip’s Coin, Eniripsa’s Hands, Iop’s Heart, Cra’s Range, Sadida’s Shoe, Sacrier’s Blood, Pandawa’s Pitcher, The Rogue Ruse, Masqueraider’s Mask, Foggernauts’ Steam.
  • Professions | Six Harvesting and sixteen Crafting professions.
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Pirates of the Burning Sea

Pirates of the Burning Sea is an MMORPG from Portalus Games in which players captain their own ship as a pirate, adventurer (a sort of privateer/merchant hybrid) or naval officer, with avatars being highly customizable. The game focuses on real time PvE and PvP combat, with players controlling their ships’ heading, speed, special abilities and attacks. In addition
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EverQuest II: Visions of Vetrovia

EverQuest II is Sony Online Entertainment‘s premier hybrid membership MMORPG sequel to the original iconic EverQuest, and is set 500 years after that time frame. All the beauty and challenge of EQ may also be found in EQII, along with improved features, deeper adventures, and a friendly community. On its own, EQII also brings a beautiful and dangerous
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The Pride of Taern

The Pride of Taern is the most popular browser MMORPG in Poland, released in English in April 2012. Developed by Whitemoon, it’s a real comeback to the classic, isometric cRPGs with mature storyline that gives players a variety of moral choices. Its dynamic combat system requires tactical thinking as well as effective cooperation between players. One of
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