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Final Fantasy XI

Final Fantasy XI Online is the grand MMORPG set in the famous Final Fantasy series and style. Players enter the world of Vana’diel, a land with a healthy mix of magic, swords, and technology, and where the inhabitants are on a constant search and struggle for control of the crystals, the fundamental source of all creation. Players create characters from a list of five races and fifteen ‘jobs’ to take on challenges throughout Vana’diel’s four vast continents.


  • Races | Hume, Elvaan, Tarutaru, Mithra, Galka.
  • Jobs | Warrior, Thief, Monk, White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Paladin, Dark Knight, Beastmaster, Ranger, Bard, Summoner, Samurai, Ninja, Dragoon, Blue Mage, Corsair, Puppetmaster, Dancer, Scholar.
  • Battle System | Players may choose magic, including learning magic from enemies while in battle, and weapon skills, both which help build up Tactical Points that enable very powerful combat skills.
  • Transportation | FFIX has the same welcome transportation modes as the single-player series has, including airships, ferries, and, of course, chocobos.
  • Crystal Synthesis | Collect the precious crystals and use them to create powerful items not found through NPC vendors.
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Guild Wars

Guild Wars: Prophecies, the first game developed by ArenaNet, is the original game in the Guild Wars series. Released in 2005, the game is an instanced MMOG and is free to play without any restrictions with the purchase of the retail box. Since the original release, ArenaNet has release two stand alone ‘campaigns’ and one expansion: Factions (2006), Nightfall (2006) and Eye of
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Defiance is a buy-to-play, multi-platform scifi MMO currently in development by Trion Worlds and, in a groundbreaking merger, the Syfy network, in a bid to bring the intense nature of the third-person shooter together with the “persistence, scale and customization” of an MMO. Defiance will unite the platforms across PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on April 2nd.
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Delta Force

Delta Force, formerly Delta Force: Hawk Ops, is a free-to-play first-person tactical shooter for PC, consoles, and mobile. It is part of the Delta Force series, previously developed and published by NovaLogic. The publishing rights were acquired by TiMi Studio Group. The group also develops the game under its development division TiMi-J3, known for developing
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