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Tag: Nexon

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FIFA Online 4

FIFA Online 4 is a free-to-play, football MMO video game featuring over 30 leagues and 15,000 real-world players. Players may choose and customize their own teams can either play single-player through a season or play against other online players. Playing matches earns EP, which is the in-game currency used to buy players and items. The

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Atlantica Online

Atlantica Online is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG that sets players in search of their long lost ancestral home, the fabled Atlantis. Long ages ago, a substance called Oriharukon was discovered by your ancestors, and with it they uncovered wondrous magic powers. Hungry for more power, the people lost control of the magic, and ultimately destroyed themselves.

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Dungeon Fighter Online

Dungeon Fighter Online is a free-to-play 2D side-scrolling fighting MMOG, where players must hack-and-slash their way along a linear path through hordes of monsters. Players begin in town, but may venture into dungeons to take on champion monsters and boss monster. Controls are simple, yet effective, with eight directions of movement, assigned attack, jump, and use

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Dragon Saga

Dragon Saga is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG where players are set in a world on the brink of another terrible war with the Dark Dragon Elga, who was defeated in the first Dragon War 1,000 years ago. Players must go about on quests and adventures in order to keep the peace, with help of the Dragonkin

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Tree of Savior

It’s time to embark on a journey to search for the goddesses in a world full of chaos in Tree of Savior, a free-to-play, massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by IMC Games. Produced by the creators of Ragnarok Online, this game is based on traditional Lithuanian culture and mythology. Tree of Savior has over

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Vindictus is a free-to-play action-MMORPG developed by devCAT and published by Nexon. The game originally hails from Korea where it is known as Mabinogi: Heroes, and serves as a prequel to the popular Nexon MMORPG, Mabinogi. Vindictus is developed on Valve‘s Source engine and features fast-paced combat, cloth physics, and the ability to weaponize objects in the environment. FEATURES The Story | The land is

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Mabinogi is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG developed by devCAT and published by Nexon. It features a dynamic combat system, dungeons, crafting, pets, unique skills, Spirit Weapons, a music creation system, and much more. FEATURES Real-Time Combat | Engage in real-time combat with combo attacks, defensive skills, counter-attacking, and special move. Private Dungeon System | Use special items to create your own

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TERA TERA is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG from developer Bluehole Studios, and publishers En Masse Entertainment and Gameforge. In TERA the world is under siege by otherworldly beings that destroy and reshape everything in their path. While gods squabble and evil rises in every corner, the players must stand together against the onslaught and save their

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MapleStory is a free-to-play side-scrolling MMORPG from Wizet and Nexon. Enter a world of magic and mystery where epic adventure, action and good friends await you. Explore the land of Maple World as you create and train a mighty hero, conquer perilous dungeons, overcome terrifying bosses, socialize with your friends and much more. FEATURES A Class

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Riders of Icarus

Riders of Icaruis is a fun mythical MMORPG where players can battle in the skies from WeMade Entertainment. In Riders of Icarus, players will explore a vast, majestic and ever-expanding world where they can collect and train hundreds of different wild beasts, taming them to become rideable mounts with unique special abilities. As a legendary Rider, with

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